Our worship Ministry at FBC Prague is one of the most public ministries in our church. We seek to use our God-given talents to glorify God and help lead others to worship. There are numerous ways you can serve in our worship ministry. Check out the opportunities below to find ways you can participate.
"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord." Psalm 150:6
Children's Choir
We have occasional seasonal choirs for all elementary-aged students. We would love to have your child sing and use their talents to praise the Lord!
Instrumental Team
If you desire to use your instrumental talents to lead others into a time of worship, you can come join us each Sunday morning at 8:15 in the worship center for rehearsal. Senior High Students and adults are welcome to play each Sunday Morning. Contact Mark to let him know you are interested!
Worship Singers
This group is made up of selected singers from our Worship choir. These individuals lead worship on Sunday Mornings on a rotating basis. We rehearse on Sunday Mornings at 8:15 am and at 5:00pm with the worship choir. Please see Brother Mark if you would like to be considered to be a part of this group.
Worship Choir
Our Choir rehearses each Sunday night at 5pm. We sing seasonal musicals and help to lead worship each Sunday morning. Come join us. For more information about the choir or any of these opportunities, please see Brother Mark.